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Добавлено: 22 янв 2005, 15:27
Did you mean "ideals" or "ideas"? There is a slight difference...

Добавлено: 23 янв 2005, 08:42
The Sonic God
I meant exactly what I said. It takes courage for me to agree with someone, that's part of my weakness.

Добавлено: 23 янв 2005, 14:37
Let's get back to the topic. Something popped in my mind. What about if money were "cyber" and "contained" in id cards - then they couldn't be physically stolen...

Добавлено: 24 янв 2005, 09:22
The Sonic God
This is the futuristic idea of personal "credits," which are seen in some TV shows and movies. A level of credits is given to you, and you can be identified through a fingerprint or a retina scan. The amount of credits you have are tracked by the Government, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to get into debt. Quite simply put, you cannot spend what you do not have. A credit card is different in the fact that you are borrowing money from someone else. Credits are something that you gain throughout your life and through work. They cannot be traded or loaned to anyone, they are only used to purchase services.

I think it would be a system worthy of trying out.

Добавлено: 24 янв 2005, 18:35
The Dishwasher
Sonic God, so you're handing over all the power to the Government? I'm not sure how I'd react to know that my spending was tracked to the nearest penny...what if you wanted to buy a house, or go to University? You would have to take out a loan to pay for those. And if you cannot get in debt, there could be a higher risk of recession - the UK economy has been kept afloat due to consumers spending on credit!
I am in favour of smart cards, though, as there is less risk of fraud, bacause it is like a mobile top-up card, you only top it up when you need and there is no direct access to your bank account.

Добавлено: 24 янв 2005, 22:56
The Sonic God, my advice - do not argue with an economist about economy...

Добавлено: 25 янв 2005, 00:32
Good advice.
As for me I left my opinion for myself. I do not like to argue about such unpleasant things.
Besides, it is the Lion King forum, and economy is fully offtopic here, isn't it?

Добавлено: 25 янв 2005, 09:46
Well, generally speaking - yes.

Добавлено: 26 янв 2005, 07:46
The Sonic God
A credit card is simply a way of borrowing someone else's money, in a sense, buying convenience. For most people with a solid, stable income, this method would be perfect. However, most of us don't have that kind of income. We end up borrowing more than we can pay back. Debt accumulates, problems happen, creditors threaten you, attorneys call, the repot comes to take your belongings... and soon, you're left with more problems than good.

A system controlled by the Government to watch over the purchases of necessaties would be ideal, because this could eventually eliminate poverty.

Buying the things we want versus buying the things we need creates problems.

What is required for survival? Food, clothing, shelter. Unfortunately, resources are not infinite, and greed controls the world. If you're not part of the system, if you're not a link in the chain, then you're as good as dead.

Nature at it's best, right there. She's a foxy one, huh?

If humans can create a system to eliminate poverty, and prevent suffering, and prevent the chain from weakening, then perhaps we have a chance.

Добавлено: 26 янв 2005, 10:24
Well, that is possible. However, do you think that people will accept it? I think the statement "You will be able to buy only vital products" won't be acknowledged by most of the people... Shops and electronics in particular will lose a lot :-)

Добавлено: 26 янв 2005, 15:58
The last thing,that I want to say about the money..

We all have forgoten about one..Money in general is a trade equvalent,isn't it?
So,here it's the human nature..They couldn't do anything without "reward"
So,money will be a humans satellite forever ;\

But other civilisations can live without money.If it's higer (in moral level) then humans ;)

What about electronic money..The system will be the same Х) And coins and typical money won't dissapear.Because it's a very great change

Добавлено: 26 янв 2005, 23:19
Who knows............