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Добавлено: 10 июн 2007, 21:09
You scored as a Nala
You are Nala! Caring, sensitive, courageous and out-going, your friendly nature and adventurous spirit inspire and comfort those around you. You can talk with anybody at anytime and not feel pressured or uneasy. Your greatest quality, though, is your compassion. Your friends KNOW who to come to when they need to talk to someone about their feelings, or just to let off some steam about a bad day. You're always there for them, and nothing makes you feel better than knowing you've cheered up a friend!

Nala 79%
Simba 68%
Sarabi 64%
Pumbaa 64%
Rafiki 54%
Mufasa 46%
Zazu 32%
Scar 32%
Ed 18%
Timon 4%

Упс... :roll: Удивительно, что Нала по процентам серъёзно впереди, а Тимону досталось совсем ничего. Получается очень выраженное соответствие.

Tiger, смотрю у тебя получилось гораздо ровнее по процентам, более сбалансированный результат.

Lionet, а у тебя остальным героям какие проценты соответствуют?

Добавлено: 11 июн 2007, 10:32
Furaha, с утра пораньше озадачил меня сложным вопросом :) : как оказалось, глупая Опера не сохранила страницу, хотя и ошибки не выдала. А вручную копировать вчера уже не было времени. Так что остальные проценты теперь уже невосстановимы. Помню только, что следующий за Симбой - 65%, а вот кто это, уже не соображу. :D

Добавлено: 11 июн 2007, 10:44
Lionet, попробуй ещё раз воспроизвести тест, хотя бы приблизительно.

Добавлено: 11 июн 2007, 16:28
man it sucks not being able to understand that little alphabet that yall keep usin. we new jerseans are not well in tuned with other languages.

ive taken spanish for a few years (only cuz school requires it...) and ive picked up some VERY basic norwegian words and phrases, but that is about the extent of my foreign language vocabulary. and just to keep on topic here, i got timon for that quiz.

not very good quiz tho, i couldve chosen anyone i wanted really. if i had chosen all of the last answers, i coulda been nala and been like, "oo, look at me, im awesome i got nala!"

but whatever, Nala is still the hottest thing on four legs. Always. Nalaholics Anonymous unite!

Добавлено: 11 июн 2007, 19:09
Tiger писал(а):.......наиболее интересным показался вот этот....
Кто-нить может организовать перевод сего теста? хочется пройти, а с ангилским не дружу.... :(

Добавлено: 11 июн 2007, 22:23
Furaha, прошел ещё раз. Но уже более быстро. Весёленький результат:

Simba 79%
Scar 75%

Timon 71%
Ed 71%
Sarabi 64%
Nala 57%
Pumbaa 50%
Zazu 50%
Mufasa 46%
Rafiki 43%

В прошлый раз на втором месте был точно не Скар. Я бы запомнил :). А вообще странно: на большиство вопросов я точно повторил свои прошлые ответы, и как такое могло получиться?

Добавлено: 12 июн 2007, 00:50
O_o still got no idea what anyone is saying...

translation anyone? no? maybe i should just stick to rafiki's tree for now...

Добавлено: 12 июн 2007, 07:27
To Monjaru:
Well, it's equal if I'll come to the English forum and starting to demand translate it into Russian. ;)
So you have three choices:
1)Use online russian-english translator. (The quality will be bad as always with machine translators, but understandable.)
2)Learn Russian.
3)Use Rafiki's tree as English only speaking part of the forum.

To others:
Sorry for offtopic. ;)

Добавлено: 13 июн 2007, 19:16
too true...sry bout that guys. :( heh heh

dont beat me into a lifeless pulp for it. lol :lol:

Добавлено: 13 июн 2007, 19:20
прислушанный. использовал переводчика, но ручку больноя вероятно как раз к валу rafiki так или иначе…

Добавлено: 13 июн 2007, 19:35
well here is my results....=)


Which Lion King Character Are You?
You scored as a Simba
You are Simba! You've suffered immense hardships, but you can see the larger picture, realizing that there is light at the end of the tunnel as long as you continue on. Family and best friends are sacred to you and you would leap to defend them at any time, at whatever cost. You also have a tendency to be sentimental, sometimes allowing your emotions to supercede your better judgement. And yet, at other times, you're not enough in tune with your emotions. You need to find an equal balance between faith and logic. You're still great, though, overall!











Re: What Lion King Character Are You?

Добавлено: 02 мар 2011, 13:23

Scar 71%
Sarabi 50%
Rafiki 50%

You Scored as Scar :ded:

You BAD little person - You're Scar! You are extremely egotistical and ALWAYS right, and you DARE anyone to say otherwise. You see weaknesses in people and have a tendency to exploit them for your own gain, or just your sick pleasure. You are very proud, haughty and arrogant, and you believe investing "emotionally" with anyone is a waste of time. You like being 'in the know' and aware of your surroundings, in case your concocted plans of villany go awry. You're never caught with your pants down - you can talk your way out of anything. Better watch your back, though... you never know what could come back to bite ya in the rear. :werk:

Re: What Lion King Character Are You?

Добавлено: 09 июл 2012, 09:52
You Scored as Pumbaa
You are Pumbaa! Fun-loving, exciteable and optimistic to a fault, you would be the first to spot a rainbow in a pouring rain. Your naturally good-hearted nature gives you an edge in this crazy world of ours. You're happiest when you feel that familiar stinging at your cheeks - the kind that comes after smiling too much or laughing too hard for too long. However, you are multi-faceted, and there is another side to you: Fiercely loyal to friends and family alike, you cannot tolerate seeing your loved ones in pain or despair, and you will go on the defensive if you have to. Most importantly, though, you show compassion on all levels. You realize people have faults and you're always willing to accept an apology and move on. Besides, hating someone takes too much time and energy - you'd rather spend it collecting grubs!

You Scored as a : Pumbaa Pumbaa 71% Simba 64% Sarabi 57% Scar 57% Rafiki 54% Nala 50% Mufasa 46% Timon 43% Ed 39% Zazu 32%
А мне вот чего тест выдал. Даже не ожидал. :D

Re: What Lion King Character Are You?

Добавлено: 10 июл 2012, 03:59
You Scored as Scar причём 100% :shock: враньё я выбирала самые ржачные ответы типа "отрыжка после еды это круто" :D а так я на тимона больше похожа это точно)))
и ещё 86% эд вот это точно :omgfun

Re: What Lion King Character Are You?

Добавлено: 10 июл 2012, 04:38
Хух.. Как вы заставили этот линк СЕМИ летней давности работать? :D У меня он перекидывает на заглавную страничку quizzilla а по поиску "what lion king character are you?" вылазит штук 10 тестов. 2005го года правда только один, но тот ли это вообще?