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What can we do to make this place more interesting?

Добавлено: 04 июл 2006, 00:26
The Sonic God
I've noticed that this forum died down a little bit, but for those of you who still visit, what can we do to draw additional attention to this site?

Добавлено: 04 июл 2006, 23:17
Maybe we must spend more time for answering to almost every message, not just to see "what new" and leave it for a later time?
Like me, i.e. :roll:

Добавлено: 05 июл 2006, 07:28
The Sonic God
People continuously reply to the same subject over and over again because there isn't anything new to discuss. I tried to bring up a subject on Anthrocon, but that died off really quickly. Perhaps the mentality of those who speak English here only would rather do something else.

I can barely read Russian... otherwise I would contribute to the other forums.

It's Sarafina's choice, I feel. If this English section won't do very well in the future, regardless of how I contribute to or advertise it, maybe it should just be removed. There are other English-speaking communities related to do this one that are doing far better. I'm just wondering if there is a way to bring that kind of traffic here.

This has just become a chat-site, nothing more. Nothing Furry, Disney, or Lion King related really shows up as a new topic here. Of course, if we're talking about furry, then there are much more eligable boards for the subject. Perhaps Lion-King based messageboards are a bit too esoteric. That's why most TLK boards I visit are barely doing anything.

Добавлено: 05 июл 2006, 07:30
IMO, it's good to post funny posts but if they make sence... Sometimes, I read some of the responses to various messeges, and I'm wondering why I'm even taking the time... I say, let's try to be as active, creative, and funny as possible in a WISE way :)

Добавлено: 05 июл 2006, 07:33
The Sonic God
One of the biggest problems I see on many messageboards is that a person will reply, but won't really take the time to create a meaningful message. Two or three words that don't really contribute to the subject. I've been guilty of this from time to time, but I at least try to make my message worth reading.

What's more, long messages are rarely read. If you're surfing the internet and refuse to read, then you're pretty much wasting your $23.90 per month or whatever it is that you pay.

Добавлено: 05 июл 2006, 19:44
$35 for me lol...

Yes. You hit the target.

Besides, long posts will probably bring out more conversation than short posts. I mean, you can read an article and post alot of stuff about it. Or you can read a sentence and post 1 messege, or none.

Also, if it's never been tried, we can come up with some sort of a game or something.

Добавлено: 06 июл 2006, 22:31
The Sonic God
One of my characters is I can't create long post. If I can't create even short message I delay it waiting for a new thoughts. But even this can take long time. Especially when I write in other language but native. I try to create a meaningful message. In other hand, it's difficult for me to start new topic. People are different. I'm only small piece of the whole community here.

This forum (Rafiki's tree) for me is place to improve my skill in English. Only now I have dared to create not empty message. I'm sure it contain grammar errors.

Добавлено: 07 июл 2006, 09:00
The Sonic God
Furaha писал(а):The Sonic God
One of my characters is I can't create long post. If I can't create even short message I delay it waiting for a new thoughts. But even this can take long time. Especially when I write in other language but native. I try to create a meaningful message. In other hand, it's difficult for me to start new topic. People are different. I'm only small piece of the whole community here.

This forum (Rafiki's tree) for me is place to improve my skill in English. Only now I have dared to create not empty message. I'm sure it contain grammar errors.
Okay, I think you missed my point. This wasn't meant to attack those of whom could not speak English natively. Though I do sincerely appreciate that you had made the statement that you did. That shows that you care.

If English is not your first language and you can only say so much, that's fine. I have no problems with that. But I see a lot of members in this part of the forum who are very well capable of speaking English that say nothing more than "OMGWTFLOL" or some schrott like that.

I dunno. I said in the regulations that small posts are fine, just don't make a habit of it. All tiny posts do if they accumulate is just derail peoples' trains of thought.

Just, think of interesting things to discuss. Go to Disney's website, find an article that you like and start a discussion on that. And don't just plagerize: comment on what you read! I'm sorry to say, but what you learned in school on reading and writing sure makes for interesting messageboard topics! :)

Добавлено: 07 июл 2006, 09:40
Furaha, nice to see you drop in... Do it more often. It will sure generate more traffic for this forum. I'd hate to see it die.

Oh, and you're not the only one with a native language that is not english... like me :mrgreen: And some other peeps (I mean cats) :p

Добавлено: 08 июл 2006, 05:07
The Sonic God
When I had entered the German part of the community at The Savannah, and just commented on a picture that I liked, my post was deleted. I think I posted something like "Oh, das ist sehr schoen" or something to that effect. Why was it deleted? Didn't contribute to the post. It didn't elabourate, and it didn't contain much.

While I won't just delete posts here because you don't know how to speak English well, keep in mind that each post adds up to the traffic taken from the server.

Добавлено: 08 июл 2006, 14:49
The Sonic God, you are right that I have missed your point. Thank you for advice how to think out new topics and for example about your post at The Savannah. :)

Borah, I learned German in school, but almost forgot language later. I learned English in university, but it was being educated mediocre. :(

Добавлено: 08 июл 2006, 21:48
Furaha писал(а):Borah, I learned German in school, but almost forgot language later. I learned English in university, but it was being educated mediocre. :(
I took one year of German... too bad I forgot it all in a few months :mad: :( :( :(

Добавлено: 11 июл 2006, 23:42
If you want I - native Austrian - can teach you a bit German.
"Vielleicht würde das helfen!"

And, the topic:
As I have suggested it months ago, this forum could get an RPG part. English RPG, role play! Maybe this would be interesting. Not great stories and so on, just little nice posting when thinking of to be a lion in the Pride Lands. Included - for sure - an "RP introdution" for newbies, for rookies.

And the second suggestion - to do publicity work! At google, at furry sites maybe, the friends...

The third suggestion, in relation to the first two: To advance this lion king forum with the same themes always and always, again and again, more to an "international new friends meeting" forum. The best experience I made with this forum hasn't been to see great pictures about TLK - it has been to meet people like Clara, Shadow, Sonic, those people, I mean.

What do ya think about it? And how has my English been improved? :p

Добавлено: 12 июл 2006, 06:43
RPG always sounded good to me... Until my TLK RPG got hacked for the 3rd time :mad: (crappy russian server)

But, I think it would be fun... To see how English speakin' lions play :mrgreen:

Oh, and don't even ask, Mieko... Your english has always been good. And to make you feel better, I'll say yes :omgfun

Добавлено: 12 июл 2006, 07:32
I can imagine that RP clearly.
Days in the savannah, little love stories, fights, the simple life, hunts... :p

Now I've got to go to the fuuuzzin' holiday job, help me! I can't bear it, I can't survive it! :(